Friday, July 15, 2011

OK. So, it's been awhile ~ again!

I had to go back and read old posts to see where I left off!  Really?  Two years?  OMG - how can I catch up?  Note to self - blog regularly.  :-)

Suffice to say, we have been in our 'new' house, which we love, for almost two years.  Dave is managing the local branch of a national wholesale tire distibutor called Friend Tire.  Sharon is the Sr. Administrative Assistant to the CIO and CFO at SelectHealth, a large medical insurer in Utah.  Sarah has now graduated from high school and will be attending college to get her RN.  Currently, she's on a trip to Europe as a nominated Utah Ambassador of Music.  The tallest in the family, Brian will start high school in the fall.  He's not sure what he wants to do 'when he grows up,' but is, for now, loving his summertime at home with new GameFly arrivals, frequent trips to the Rec Center in town, and hanging out with friends.  A boy's dream.  We have three cute pain-in-the-butt dogs named Cooper, age 6, Mante (short for Mantequilla - that's another story), age 5, and Oscar (affectionately nicknamed Weenie - another another story), age 3.  Also recently joining the family are 14 koi fish (another another another story).  Future blogs will tell about the activities and daily doings of the Gibsons and the other stories.

For today -

We bought a camper.  It's been about 3 years since we've gone camping as a family and we are really looking forward to it!  The camper was a great deal, but required a LOT of clean up as a trade-off.  Last weekend and several evenings after work have been spent doing that. 

Other than the camper, our yard has been the biggest time consumer of the summer.  It's sure looking pretty though! 

Brian leaves Monday morning for scout camp in the High Uintahs.  He went last year and loved it, so he's really looking forward to it.