Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Told you my dreams were unusual

If you’ve been keeping up with my updated Dreamcatcher post, you’ll know they’re super wacky, and often result in me acting out the dreams, in a sense. They’re unusual, as in weird, and also unusual, as in not normal.

In fact, they’re caused by RBD, REM Sleep Behavior Disorder. According to WebMD, death is imminent.  Apparently, during REM sleep, our whole body is paralyzed except for our brain. Well, that’s scary. Not my body. I have free motion, which is what causes me to talk, yell, punch, kick, sit up, flail my arms, grab things that may or may not be there, and fly out of bed to escape the werewolf that is crawling up the bed.  My doctor says that many ‘sufferers’ fall out of bed, run into walls causing themselves concussions, and even go outside. I have not progressed to this level. Others just put their loved ones in peril. I have done that. Sorry, babe.

Unfortunately, RBD is genetic (my mom often has wild dreams that she reacts to during sleep, not as actively as me, but with sounds and arm movements), and is often a precursor for Parkinson’s disease, which also runs in my dad’s side of the family. But, that’s down the road and only a maybe, so I’m not worrying about it. Okay, so I’m worried about it, but not worrying about it.

So, the doctor prescribed Klonipin, which is supposed to act as a mild sedative and calm my nerves, thus allowing complete incapacitation during REM. Not sure what’s scarier, being unable to move even if there is a werewolf crawling up the bed, or running into a wall.

I’m going to try that for 30 days and then follow up with the office’s certified sleep specialist. In the meantime, to help me remember to breathe, I’m going to look into getting a mouth guard to wear at night. If that doesn’t work, we might try moving into a bigger house so I can have my own room and use a CPAP.  Sheesh. Is a good night’s sleep without drugs and devices to much to ask?

Stay tuned . . .