Anyway . . .
In my layman view of the results: I sleep very lightly, mostly on my right side, don't move around much, wake up a lot, and occasionally forget to breathe. In technical terms: I have mild sleep apnea.
During a 7 hour night, I had
- 51 sustained periods of abnormally slow breathing lasting an average of 22 seconds each during non-REM sleep
- 1 incident of no breathing for 11 seconds during REM (I can't even hold my breath this long when I'm conscious. I tried. No clue how I managed it while sleeping.)
- Total cumulative REM sleep 42 minutes
- The majority of my sleep was in ‘stage 2’, light sleep
- 126 awakenings
- Oxygen levels dropped to below 88% for 61 cumulative minutes
The doctor who interpreted the report recommended another sleep study (ummmm . . . what?) with a CPAP device, and 3 litres of oxygen per minute while I'm sleeping. Thankfully, according to the internet which we all know has to tell the truth, that is a relatively small 'dose' and can be delivered through a canula rather than a CPAP. If all else fails, they can take out my tonsils. I have no idea how that relates.
I think that none of that is good. So, I called and got a follow up appointment scheduled with my doctor.
Stay tuned . . .