Thursday, July 13, 2017

I’m positive

Today I’m making a choice. Well, right now I’m making a choice. I can’t say what will happen later. But for now, I’m making a choice to see the positive. Notice the positive. Find the positive. Be positive. Here’s what I’ve seen so far.

·        It only took me three snoozes to wake up.

·        The coffee didn’t spill, despite me knocking the mug when I got in the car.

·        My commute was only 54 minutes.

·        I put the perfect amount of water in my oatmeal cup.

·        When I sat down, the long belt of my dress didn’t fall in the toilet.

·        I remembered to bring my lunch.

I’ll see what the rest of the day brings, but so far, I’m at least positive that I’m off to a good start. #makingupgoodkarma #newoutlook #findthegood