What a nice birthday. Tons of Facebook well-wishers. Breakfast at the Black Bear Diner. Actually, the wait was long, the food was cold and the waitress was too busy to care, but the company was great. Sweet presents - a pair of shoes I was too cheap to buy myself and some unique tea bags from Sarah, perfume from my boys, and a Dinner Mystery Theater date with Dave, plus dinner out and a bag-o-goodies from mom and dad and Victoria's Secret gift card from my best bud. Rounded out the afternoon with my Kindle, a glass of wine, and salami and cheese in my lovely Mother's Day rockers on the front porch. Looking forward to a gourmet dinner, compliments of my talented hubby, and a movie with the fam. The bonus? I don't have to get up for work tomorrow! I never enjoyed having a holiday-weekend birthday when I was a kid because everyone was always out of town for my party, but now I appreciate it!
Thanks, loved ones. It was perfect.