Tonight we are going to our Host Family Orientation, the next step in preparing to host our foreign exchange student! Yiying Wang is a "China girl living Japan," in her own words. She is 13, and arrives on July 21, to stay for three weeks. Tonight we will find out all about the schedule during the three weeks and meet other families in our area who are participating so that we can set up some carpools. The girls from the program will be going to English classes on Monday, Wednesday & Friday mornings, then will have educational field trips those afternoons, and fun, touristy activities on Tuesdays & Thursdays. We can go to any of their activities with them. In addition, I have tickets to take my kids and Yiying to the Denver Mint while she is here, and Sarah will be celebrating her 15th birthday, so Yiying will get to 'hang out with the girls,' while Sarah & friends go to the mall and out to dinner.