We caught a rather early flight from SLC to Phoenix, then grabbed our connection to Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico, on Thursday, February 27, 2014.
Okay, so it took me a while to write this. Don't judge.
Although bumpy, the flights were rather uneventful. All the normal stuff occurred - white lights lead to red lights, no more peanuts, put on your seatbelt, if we land in water 'kick paddle paddle kick to the nearest island.' I took advantage of the time by studying for an anatomy exam that would hit me on the day after our return, and Dave played with his favorite new toy.
Once we landed, we navigated our way around the Puerto Vallarta airport and found the right VERY LONG line to get through immigration. Without much of a glance, we were permitted entrance. I guess we didn't look too threatening! Then, it was off to baggage claim to get our bags and fall into another, not quite as long line, to re-check our bag in customs. We were asked if we had brought any alcohol with us. 'No.' To which the customs agent replied, 'Are you sure?' It was all I could do not to say, 'Oh, yeah, that. Yes, I have a barrel of single malt in my laptop bag.' ;)

Then began the overwhelming walk from baggage to the airport's exterior to try and find our transportation. If you've never flown into Mexico before, be aware - Don't talk to ANYONE! Despite their persistent pleas, they DO NOT need to know where you are headed, or to carry your bag. Fortunately, we had been there before and knew what to expect. Unfortunately, our transportation was not so easy to locate! We walked right past his 8 x 10" sign hidden amongst a thousand others advertising tour busses, taxis, and car services. Finally we located the right person and from that moment on, the trip was absolute heaven - besides a somewhat hairraising ride in the van!

Our resort was about 20 minutes from the airport. We were pleasantly surprised to see such a modern, bustling city. Our last trip was to the Dominican Republic, where the shacks and barefoot children along the dirt and rock roadways broke your heart. Here, there were offices, restaurants, even an Office Max and a Burger King! When we arrived, a bellman was waiting with a glass of champagne and directions to our VIP desk. We headed through the incredible lobby, enjoying views of the ocean and a cool salty breeze.
Of course our room was amazing. After what we had experienced so far, we expected nothing less. But, no. Our room was AMAZING!
The view from our deck |
Our first stop was the gorgeous poolside deck for some lunch and sun. We met up with several other coworkers and enjoyed a leisurely afternoon. Then, after a quick nap, long shower, and puttin' our fab on, we headed to the opening night cocktail party.
The next day was sun on the pool deck, sand on our toes, and more food and drinks than our bellies could comfortably accommodate. That evening, the company hosted a Dinner in the Round, when the group takes over most of the hotel restaurants and we eat with random trip-goers from our group. We ended up dining with three cute young couples from all over the country, one of whom was a customer of Dave's from Nephi, Utah. We discovered that they, too, were signed up for the Dolphin Swim adventure the following morning and we looked forward to getting to know them better. After dinner, there was a fun Casino Night with Vegas-style dancing, gambling with fake money, and very fun people-watching. :)
The Mariachi Band |
We headed out early for our Dolphin Swim Adventure along with five others from our trip. Words are inadequate, so pictures will have to do.
After returning to our hotel, we took a taxi into 'town' with the couple we'd met at dinner and shared the morning with, Trent and Lynette Harmon, and enjoyed wandering around, doing some souvenir shopping, and delicious, authentic Mexican food, a four-legged friend, and margaritas.
On our final, glorious day, we enjoyed the entire day by the pool, and rounded out the evening with the traditional 'White on White Party' when everyone wears white, and a fun slide show is shared with pictures from the trip. We even saw a pod of whales just beyond the shoreline.
I was completely awed by the sunset. Mother nature really treated us on our final night!
After the sun went down, we were treated to an interesting dance performance that appeared almost as black light. These two acrobats were incredible.
The final performer was a drummer whose drums were filled with water! So cool.
Overall, we had an amazing time. The resort was perfect, the company was delightful, and our spirits were recharged. Just in time to head back to reality. And, for once, no dog-related emergency while we were gone!
¡Viva México!