Monday, September 10, 2012

We Will Never Forget

Each week, I receive an email from Joan Burge who runs a company in Vegas called Office Dynamics.  The emails are titled "Monday Motivators" and I rarely ever find them anything but encouraging.  Today, as I start my week thinking about tomorrow, she sent the perfect message.  I wanted to share it, since I couldn't have said it better myself.

During the week of September 11, I am reminded not to forget those who gave their lives during that terrible crisis years ago, those who had no idea it was their last day driving to work, or those who didn't know it would be the last day to kiss their children goodbye.

I am reminded that I have gotten comfortable, and I often take my freedom for granted. Many Americans have done the same thing. That's why it's important to pause at this time each year and remember that freedom is a gift to be treasured!

How are you feeling as you start your week - the week of September 11? Are you sad? Do you hurt? Are you angry? Or are you oblivious, and don't even care? Whatever you are feeling, you are entitled to feel. That is what America is all about.

The theme I have selected for this week is "Be thankful!" May you have a peaceful and joyous week.

Be Thankful-

• Take time this week to say "thank you" to people at work. Let them know you appreciate it when they meet your deadline or give you information you requested.
• As you drive to work each day, be happy you have a place to go to - a place where you and your talents are needed.
• As you encounter new people this week, think of how you might help them become comfortable in strange surroundings.
• If you are presented with any challenges this week, tell yourself you can step up to the plate. Nothing is too difficult for you to handle.
• Be sympathetic this week if anyone you know needs a shoulder to cry on.
• Let those you care about know how you feel.
• Be thankful for those who serve as firefighters, police officers and in other emergency-related professions.
• Do what you feel you need to do on September 11 - whether that is to wave a flag, visit a neighbor, mourn a little or rejoice in the life you're blessed to have.

E-mail this to as many friends and co-workers as you wish. Help me spread this reminder as we honor those lives who were lost and their families.
I hope you all have a great week.  ~Sharon
