Why haven't I posted in a month? Who knows. Maybe it's because my camera is broken. Yes, I remember the post about what a pain it is to add pictures. But, my mind always thinks, 'Hey, I'll have to blog this' . . . snap, snap, snap. When the snap, snap, snap is missing, the immediate desire to blog disappears along with it. Maybe it's because we haven't done anything fun lately. Nope. That's definitely not it. We've been to plays, dance performances and shopping, enjoyed the first snow of the year, decorated for two holidays, undecorated for one, added an income for a smaller member of the family, did well in school, and prodded through work. Maybe it's because I'm tired. Yes, that might be a definite possibility. So, now that I'm here . . .
The weekend before Halloween, Sarah and I went to see a live production of The Wizard of Oz. It was very well done, very 'community theater,' filled with talent, and creatively done. The play was performed at Salt Lake Community College's Grand Theatre, a beautiful old playhouse downtown. The next day, the two of us plus Brian attended Odyssey Dance Company's production of "Thriller," a Halloween-themed dance production with about 20 numbers. The best part was before the dancing even started when 'gouls' were wandering through the audience scaring the bejeebies out of us!! I embarrassed my kids tremendously when a very dead and half-rotted man limped up behind me and inched his way closer and closer to my screaming face until I fell out of my chair and landed with my head in Sarah's lap! hahahahahaha It was totally awesome! They were mortified, but laughed along with me when he left. I wish I had my camera.
The kids both dressed up and went trick-or-treating (yes, I know - don't even say it). Brian was a nerd for the second year in a row, and Sarah was Mermaid Man from Sponge Bob. Google it. Tee hee!! I wish I had my camera.
We put the cutest thing on our front porch for Halloween - a book shelf. Weird, right? Trust me. Go there with me. Close your eyes, visualize. It was up against the wall of the house as you got to the front door. We loaded it with skulls, pumpkins, strobe lights, bottles filled with Witches Brew and Toxic Tonic, glow in the dark bugs, gargoyles, and a huge winged creature of some sort that sat up top. It was really cute. I wish I had my camera. One trick-or-treater's mom said she was going to copy it next year. Flattery, right?
The kids both rounded out their first quarter with GREAT grades. We're very proud of them both. Sarah got a job hostessing at a restaurant called Mimi's. She should be starting there next week. She's excited. She was also offered a job at a jewelry store in the mall, but couldn't accept it because they needed her to be available on Black Friday, which she can't because we are going to St. George for Thanksgiving weekend. We're looking forward to that.
I think that about does it. Now, I'm off to get my camera fixed.